Analyze Stocks and Invest Wisely with AI!

Growin is dedicated to combining AI artificial intelligence with trading and investment strategies. Through the collection and analysis of big data, we create passive and robust intelligent financial services and active investment analysis tools for investors. By providing a variety of AI investment methods, we not only hope to achieve excellent returns for you, but also to help reduce the complexity and anxiety of investment, so that you can invest with peace of mind!

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Stock Mining

Efficiently pick out the most valuable underlyings

With Growin's exclusive "5-Dimension Analysis" and "Stock Screener", the scattered stock information and indicators can be quickly aggregated to help you efficiently collect valuable potential targets.


Growin - 智能理財

Grow Your Wealth, Win A Better Life

AI 理財智能投資

為了解決大多投資人無法長期盯盤或花費時間研究的問題,Growin 透過 AI 演算調配出由 ETF 及美股所組成的資產配置投組,可以 24/7 全天候掌握市場控管風險,每月定期自動為您調整投資組合,使其處在最適化狀態!


為了確保投資者投資上的安全,Growin 服務整合了美國前五大券商 Interactive Brokers 的開戶系統,讓您無需跨平台操作即可直接完成證券開戶,未來的投資也都受到美國 SEC 的保護。

投資理財是為了人生不同的目標而規劃,Growin 提供多元投資組合,讓投資人可以依據不一樣的理財需求及可承受風險程度,提供合適的投資組合及建議。

Growin 智能理財服務以大數據演算做投資決策,系統自動化交易,因此費用低廉,年管理費最低僅要 0.25%,為投資者清楚紀錄每筆交易內容、股利、管理費等資訊。

More Investment Opportunities for Everyone

With technology and big data, it is no longer difficult to make investment profitable. For long-term investment, whether active or passive investment, technology can help you achieve excellent performance.


AI Market Prediction

Growin AI engine processes a huge amount of data to generate the market view, which is the most critical step when allocating your assets.


Hybrid Investment Strategies

Growin’s multiple strategies, such as asset allocation and value investing, make investment plans more customizable to achieve your financial goals.


機器人也能幫你理財!體現普惠金融價值,Growin 用機器學習打造出準確率逾 8 成的投資模型

隨著科技的發展,TradingValley 開始思考如何把最新的科技與金融做結合,來改變這個龐大卻傳統的領域。TradingValley 是由量化交易員、資料科學家、財務分析師、工程師、數位行銷、設計師所組成,並將數十年的量化投資經驗結合先進的 AI 技術,打造了一款名叫 Growin APP 的智慧理財軟體。透過人工智慧等數位工具的輔助,讓使用者可以在減少人為因素的情況下進行投資,仰賴 Growin 背後打造的各種演算模型,當目標明確後、交由投資機器人處理,打敗沒有紀律與浮動的人心就有機會創造獲利。


Lift your financial future with the power of AI !