Smart powerr corp CREG.US Dividend Analysis

US StockEnergy

CREG Dividend Score




No Dividend
  • AI analysis rates CREG  with the lowest dividend score of 1.0.
  • Since CREG has not paid dividends in the past 10 years, it's  not ideal for dividend-oriented buy-and-hold strategy.

CREG Dividend Reference Factor

The dividend force score is mainly based on the following statistical data and factors such as dividend yield.

Avg. Yield


Avg. Volatility


Avg. Filling Rate


Avg. Filling Days


Consequent Years


Dividend Yield & Volatility

Update to 2024/10/14 (Weekly Update)

CREG Historical Dividend Policy

The following lists the company's past and present dividend policies, and calculates information such as dividend yield and ex-dividend days.

No related data records

Top 10 High Relevance to CREG Dividend Score