Lloyds banking group plc LYG.US Swing Trading Analysis

US StockFinancials

LYG Swing Trading Score




Languishing Action
  • AI analysis rates LYG with  the lowest swing trading score of 1.
  • It is mainly due to  the negative AI swing signal,along with  the relatively high short-term volatility.
  • Furthermore, based on the current swing trading score, the probability of future bullish swings occurring or continuing appears to be low.

LYG Historical Swing Trading Score

You can use historical scores of 3 or above to observe potential performance and make investment decisions.

LYG Swing Trading Strategy Backtest

The following backtest is based on specified rules since 2007. Price chart shows buy/sell time, cumulative returns, and backtesting statistics.


The Backtest Result of LYG from 2007/01 till Now

Cumulative Return
Annual Return
Sharpe Ratio

Statistics data for entering at or above a Swing Trading score of 4 and exiting at or below a Swing Trading score of 2 from January, 2007 to November, 2024. (Total Trades: 141)

LYGSectorUS Overall Market
Wining Rate35%46%43%
Avg Return-0.6%1%2.3%
Avg Profit10.9%7.9%14.7%
Avg Loss-7.1%-5%-7.3%
Avg Risk-Reward Ratio153.6%157.3%202.7%

Update to 2024/11/4 (Daily Update)

Top 10 High Relevance to LYG Swing Trading Score