Royal bank of canada RY.US Trend Analysis

US StockFinancials

RY Trend Score




  • AI analysis rates RY   with a medium trend score of 3.
  • It is mainly because the moving averages and AI trend signal  do not indicate a distinct direction .
  • Historically, RY had a trend score of 3 on 172 occasions, with a 43% probability of profits and an average 0.1% increase in period returns.
  • Recently, following the change in RY's trend score to 3, the stock price has experienced a 0.74% increase.

RY Trend Reference Factors


The Trend score is derived from various data, mainly including price, volume, technical indicators and other information. The following lists two important factors when evaluating.

Update to 2024/11/02 (Daily Update)

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RY Historical Trend Score

You can use historical scores of 3 or above to observe potential performance and make investment decisions.

Trend ScoreAll TradesAvg Days HeldAvg ReturnWinning TradesWinning RateAvg Profit%Losing TradesLosing RateAvg Losing%
77 times22 days2.36%3849%6.33%3951%-1.52%
95 times6 days1.21%5558%2.56%4042%-0.65%
172 times7 days0.1%7443%2.50%9857%-1.71%
75 times5 days-0.87%1317%1.85%6283%-1.43%
66 times10 days-0.83%3452%2.47%3248%-4.34%

Top 10 High Relevance to RY Trend Score